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general storage中文是什么意思

用"general storage"造句"general storage"怎么读"general storage" in a sentence


  • 通用存储器


  • In general storage engines may have their own per thread or global memory allocations which are not tuned as buffers
  • For more general storage where many users can upload arbitrary content , such as a sharepoint list , the administrator may choose to trust only office documents located on that shared location
    对于很多用户可以上载任意内容的更通用的存储(如sharepoint列表) ,管理员可以选择仅信任位于该共享位置的office文档。
  • Through traditional supply chain , corporations inevitably suffer from information distortion and lag in time because of lack of information communication between each other , so that the demand information is gradually exaggerated from downriver to upriver of the supply chain and the competition power is weakened while the general storage of the supply chain is magnificently increased
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